Monday, October 13, 2014

  1. a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
    "its landscape has undergone a radical transformation"
    synonyms:changealterationmutationconversionmetamorphosistransfigurationtransmutationsea change;

    Whether it be in a physical or mental sense, transformation is a powerful thing! There are times in our lives where little transformation occurs and then there are times when HUGE transformations happen. Some changes are involuntary - illness, family matters, work issues. These can be scary times where we feel really out of control. Other transformations are those that we CHOSE. Whether it be a new career, a new hobby or any new beginning - these can also be SCARY but also very exciting. I embarked on a transformation in early July when I decided to join a 21 Day Fix Challenge group lead by a good friend. I was so exhausted from spending my time at the gym with no real nutritional plan - just a "grab and go" free for all! She lead me through the three week process along with ten other ladies who needed the same daily encouragement that I did. Not only did we transform physically (three inches off my waist, thank you very much) but we all transformed mentally. We were cheering each other on as we tried new recipes and tried new workouts - some of us had NEVER done Pilates or Yoga before. We picked each other up on the down days (i.e. Didn't get my workout in today, Fell off the wagon this weekend and ate a bag of Fritos). This short period of time was enough to break our bad habits and establish really great ones that not only benefited us individually but also our families. We were cooking more for our families and paying attention to the labels before we threw things in the grocery cart. We ENJOYED ourselves and still touch base with each other on a weekly basis. 

    Hense the reason that I decided to become a coach! I was already sharing this great program with most of the folks I spoke to on a daily basis that I decided to set up groups for women each month. Some months are filled with challengers that "chat it up" all day and others are filled with a few ladies with some really serious deadlines/health goals that we have to hit. Bottom line - each group is dynamic! I want to share a few quotes that touched my heart when I saw them from my challengers:

    "It really is a lifestyle change that happens a little more each day!"

    "Positive changes: 1. preparing meals in a more healthy and proportionate manner. I wasn’t cooking the wrong things: I learned to prepare the same food differently and eat proportionately (i.e. do not fill up on CARBS -downfall). 2. Making time to eat at the right times; I didn’t do this before – my first meal of the day was lunch and no wonder I was so tired! 3. Exercising. This is huge. I did ballet for 18 years 7 days a week so my body knows what it’s like to work and work hard. I had a long hibernation. It feels so good to stretch now. It feels good to finally be able to engage my abs again. BONUS: my skin has improved immensely with no change to cleaning/hydrating habits."

    "HOME STRETCH!!! I am very excited to share this with my friends. Forget the scale (which by the way has I am liking what it says right now) my clothes don't like. I have one size and it you gain 5 pounds they are not forgiving. I wore a "goal" dress to work 3 weeks ago ( with a sweater because it was super tight) that my husband had to zip and by the time I got home it had cut red marks underneath my arms. I could barely breathe but I said in 3 weeks I am gonna wear this and it is going to look great! Well, I wore it to church today and it fit! If I had set that goal without the Fix it NEVER would have happened because I needed to make some fundamental changes with diet that I never would have recognized. I would have just done more intense cardio and that would not have done it. So ladies, share this discovery with your friends! If they are like me, I could sit around and complain or commit to 3 weeks of the program!"

    These messages come in each and every day and I love it. If you are reading this tonight and feel ready for a change, please get in touch with me asap so we can start your transformation! 

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