Tonight I want to talk about the balance between nutrition and exercise.
Let's envision a weighted scale with food on one side and exercise on the other. Many believe that enough exercise can outweigh bad eating habits and that several hours on the treadmill each week will allow them to eat whatever they want. I was one of those people for almost two decades! I felt like enough cardio and weights freed me up to pretty much eat whatever I wanted any time I wanted. The problem was, while I felt amazing from the endorphins, I still felt out of shape physically. While I wasn't eating junk food every day, I have now come to realize that I had PORTION DISTORTION! I really had no concept of how much food I ate. I was under the impression that if I kept the carbs low enough, that protein was a "free for all".
Luckily, I found the eating plan of my dreams which totally flips the scale on eating versus exercise! I now eat at least six times per day. My plate contains a rainbow of colors made up of fruits and veggies. I have come to realize that prior to this plan I was barely eating any fresh fruits or veggies on a regular basis! I often catch my co-workers staring longingly at my lunch while they pick at their frozen meals.
One of the best parts of healthy eating is that I've cut my workout time in half!!! No more hour-long workout sessions. I put in thirty minutes five times a week and have more time to spend with my family.
So let's be honest: Do you have portion distortion??? If so, send me an email and I will help you get your SOUTHERN BALANCE ON!
Hope you found this helpful!