Monday, October 27, 2014

Top 10 Ways to Beat the Holiday Bulge! 

The time is upon us people! In just a few days the Trick or Treaters will be beckoning us to emerge from our dwellings to bestow upon them the goodies of the season. Milky Ways, Snickers, Nerds and Skittles will flow like wine. Most of us already have our arsenals ready. That plastic jack o'lantern or ghost-shaped candy dish is already overflowing just waiting for a child (or a mommy) to sneak a tasty treat. "Oh, I'll just have one" can easily turn into a mouthful of sugary morsels and before you know it-BAM the holiday roller coaster has begun!!!

What starts as one or two Hershey mini's will flow into a few pre-Thanksgiving treats. Starbucks Pumpkin Spiced lattes are at every soccer game on Saturday morning. The month of November will be filled with cakes, pies and other Autumnal yumminess. After we fill our bellies with the taste of Thanksgiving, the real party begins! All is Merry and Bright and super duper sugary! The holidays will pass and the New Year will dawn. Some of us with wake up with a question: "Where did this extra seven pounds come from???". 

Guess what? It does not have to go down like that! Now I am surely not suggesting that you forgo any of the holiday cheer but enter into this festive season with a plan of attack! 

Ever heard the old adage "fail to plan, plan to fail"? Well it is true! A good fitness and nutrition plan set in motion BEFORE the commotion can make all of the difference. I've compiled a few holiday tips to help you enjoy the season without paying that piper into 2015!

1. A little exercise is better than no exercise at all. Don't have time for an hour long spin class between that holiday photo shoot and your child's class party? No worries! A brisk twenty minute walk or a half hour of yoga will go a lot further if you do it four to five days a week. 

2. Don't be afraid to indulge…a little! So you know you are headed to a friend's party where the delicious dishes will be impossible to resist. No worries! Eat a healthy snack beforehand so you won't be trying to fill an empty tank. An apple with a tablespoon of natural PB or a pear with a few slices of brie should fit the bill. 

3. Get some rest! We are all guilty of trying to rock out each day with a measly six hours of sleep. During the holidays, try to get at least seven hours of rest each night and don't be afraid to sneak a little cat nap prior to a big shindig. 

4. Drink your H2O! Divide your body weight in half and you'll know how many ounces of water you need each day. You will be surprised at how full this keeps you and it also keeps away the bloat!

5. Toast it up but don't gulp it down! Libations are most often the biggest sabotage of our fitness goals. If you know you'll be having more than two on Saturday night, you might forgo the Wednesday or Thursday wine. Dry whites are lowest in calories and make sure you choose a sugar free mixer such a club soda. 

So eat, drink and be merry! Don't forget my pre-holiday Challenge Group starts on November 3rd with only a few spots left so message me tonight to reserve your place. 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Stress…friend or foe?

The experts will say that stress can be a good thing. In a fight or flight situation, the Adrenaline and Cortisol produced by your body can give you the "get up and go" you need to rescue someone in danger or get yourself out of a scary situation. But too much of these two can be a bad thing!

As women, we may feel like we are constantly under pressure or maybe inside a pressure cooker for that matter! Raising children is a huge priority in many of our lives and for most, each day brings a new set of challenges. Other daily demands such as work, household duties and caring for family members can leave a gal feeling well - S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D! 

While the mental effects of stress can be overwhelming (anxiety, depression, sleep problems), the physical effects are just as dangerous (digestive problems, heart disease, weight gain). 

Everyone has their own response to stress. While some women may feel nauseous and experience a lack of appetite during a stressful period, others are just the opposite! I am the latter! I tend to eat more, drink more and sleep less during stressful seasons. 

The key to dealing with these times, whether a long season or a short period of time, is have a few "go-to's" that will relieve some of the stress and put you in your "happy place". 

Here are a few of my tips for stress management:

  • Eating a healthy and yummy meal. The more colorful the better! 
  • Practicing Yoga or Pilates - OR BOTH (working through PIYO below)
  • Hanging with your girlfriends. Studies have shown that women NEED other women for support so make sure you are fostering healthy relationships!
  • Laughing! Turn on a show or read a book that you know will make you chuckle (Modern Family, anyone!) 
  • Get some rest. When I am REALLY exhausted, my hubby makes no bones about making me hit the hay and I wake up refreshed and renewed! 
I hope this will help you 1) Realize what your stressors are and 2) Find three or four healthy ways to find your "happy place"! Please share them below!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tonight I want to talk about the balance between nutrition and exercise. 

Let's envision a weighted scale with food on one side and exercise on the other. Many believe that enough exercise can outweigh bad eating habits and that several hours on the treadmill each week will allow them to eat whatever they want. I was one of those people for almost two decades! I felt like enough cardio and weights freed me up to pretty much eat whatever I wanted any time I wanted. The problem was, while I felt amazing from the endorphins, I still felt out of shape physically. While I wasn't eating junk food every day, I have now come to realize that I had PORTION DISTORTION! I really had no concept of how much food I ate. I was under the impression that if I kept the carbs low enough, that protein was a "free for all". 

Luckily, I found the eating plan of my dreams which totally flips the scale on eating versus exercise! I now eat at least six times per day. My plate contains a rainbow of colors made up of fruits and veggies. I have come to realize that prior to this plan I was barely eating any fresh fruits or veggies on a regular basis! I often catch my co-workers staring longingly at my lunch while they pick at their frozen meals. 

One of the best parts of healthy eating is that I've cut my workout time in half!!! No more hour-long workout sessions. I put in thirty minutes five times a week and have more time to spend with my family. 

So let's be honest: Do you have portion distortion??? If so, send me an email and I will help you get your SOUTHERN BALANCE ON!

Monday, October 13, 2014

  1. a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
    "its landscape has undergone a radical transformation"
    synonyms:changealterationmutationconversionmetamorphosistransfigurationtransmutationsea change;

    Whether it be in a physical or mental sense, transformation is a powerful thing! There are times in our lives where little transformation occurs and then there are times when HUGE transformations happen. Some changes are involuntary - illness, family matters, work issues. These can be scary times where we feel really out of control. Other transformations are those that we CHOSE. Whether it be a new career, a new hobby or any new beginning - these can also be SCARY but also very exciting. I embarked on a transformation in early July when I decided to join a 21 Day Fix Challenge group lead by a good friend. I was so exhausted from spending my time at the gym with no real nutritional plan - just a "grab and go" free for all! She lead me through the three week process along with ten other ladies who needed the same daily encouragement that I did. Not only did we transform physically (three inches off my waist, thank you very much) but we all transformed mentally. We were cheering each other on as we tried new recipes and tried new workouts - some of us had NEVER done Pilates or Yoga before. We picked each other up on the down days (i.e. Didn't get my workout in today, Fell off the wagon this weekend and ate a bag of Fritos). This short period of time was enough to break our bad habits and establish really great ones that not only benefited us individually but also our families. We were cooking more for our families and paying attention to the labels before we threw things in the grocery cart. We ENJOYED ourselves and still touch base with each other on a weekly basis. 

    Hense the reason that I decided to become a coach! I was already sharing this great program with most of the folks I spoke to on a daily basis that I decided to set up groups for women each month. Some months are filled with challengers that "chat it up" all day and others are filled with a few ladies with some really serious deadlines/health goals that we have to hit. Bottom line - each group is dynamic! I want to share a few quotes that touched my heart when I saw them from my challengers:

    "It really is a lifestyle change that happens a little more each day!"

    "Positive changes: 1. preparing meals in a more healthy and proportionate manner. I wasn’t cooking the wrong things: I learned to prepare the same food differently and eat proportionately (i.e. do not fill up on CARBS -downfall). 2. Making time to eat at the right times; I didn’t do this before – my first meal of the day was lunch and no wonder I was so tired! 3. Exercising. This is huge. I did ballet for 18 years 7 days a week so my body knows what it’s like to work and work hard. I had a long hibernation. It feels so good to stretch now. It feels good to finally be able to engage my abs again. BONUS: my skin has improved immensely with no change to cleaning/hydrating habits."

    "HOME STRETCH!!! I am very excited to share this with my friends. Forget the scale (which by the way has I am liking what it says right now) my clothes don't like. I have one size and it you gain 5 pounds they are not forgiving. I wore a "goal" dress to work 3 weeks ago ( with a sweater because it was super tight) that my husband had to zip and by the time I got home it had cut red marks underneath my arms. I could barely breathe but I said in 3 weeks I am gonna wear this and it is going to look great! Well, I wore it to church today and it fit! If I had set that goal without the Fix it NEVER would have happened because I needed to make some fundamental changes with diet that I never would have recognized. I would have just done more intense cardio and that would not have done it. So ladies, share this discovery with your friends! If they are like me, I could sit around and complain or commit to 3 weeks of the program!"

    These messages come in each and every day and I love it. If you are reading this tonight and feel ready for a change, please get in touch with me asap so we can start your transformation! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

We've all heard it said that "there is strength in numbers" and I believe that is a true statement.  There have also been studies showing that women rely on interaction with other women:

A landmark UCLA study suggests friendships between women are special. They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They soothe our tumultuous inner world, fill the emotional gaps in our marriage, and help us remember who we really are.
So with that being said, shouldn't we harness the power of that support and motivation into a group that elevates our physical wellbeing as well??? I say emphatically, YES!

It is time for the Sister Fit challenge starting Oct 20th. Everyone knows getting fit is easier with a partner in crime right? Grab your sis, your SIL, your bff and join me for 21 Days of great food, fitness, friendship and motivation. This group has room for EIGHT gals (four teams) who are ready to get their FIT on. So grab your gal pal and shoot me a message today! There will be a great prize for the lead team, too!!!

I've created a video to answer 99.9% of your questions about the challenge so let's talk today!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Souper Suppers On the Wild Side!

I will continue to sing the praises of Fall tonight. When the weather turns chilly, my family turns to me for SOUP! One of their faves is my Veggie Beef Soup and thanks to my husband, the hunter, I have the pleasure of using organic venison in my soup. Did you know that a three-ounce serving of venison provides on 134 calories and three grams of fat, including only one gram of saturated fat? Beef gives you 259 calories for the same three-ounce serving, and 18 grams of fat, including seven grams of fat! Not only is this a lean source of protein but it is delicious especially if you know how to prepare it. Hope you enjoy this one!

Vegetable Beef Soup 

- 1 lb ground meat (venison, beef, bison)
- 1/2 cup Bragg's Amino Liquid (great sub for bouillon)
- chopped veggies - use your favorites! I love corn, 
  black-eyed peas, limas, carrots, green beans, heirloom tomatoes 
- 1 sweet onion - diced
- 1 clove garlic - minced
- 1 15 oz. can diced tomatoes (organic)
- 1/2 15 oz. can tomatoes sauce (organic)
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 2 cups water

1. Sautee onions and garlic until translucent. 
2. Add beef and brown.
3. Add Amino
4. Add water, diced toms and tom sauce
5. Add remaining ingredients and simmer on low for two hours. 
6. Enjoy! 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A little over a month ago, I reached out to my friend Carmel for some help. I was feeling stressed and run down. My clothes were getting tighter, despite spending hours in high intensity fitness classes at the gym. I just was NOT seeing any results! She suggested I try 21 Day Fix and Shakeology instead in a challenge group with other women for support and accountability. This has transformed the way I view food and fitness! The hour long sessions were replaced with 30 minute AT HOME workouts. The days of eating bird food were OVER, replaced by healthy meals so filling I could barely finish them! Fast forward three weeks later… I lost THREE inches off my waist and my clothes were feeling better every day!

This is my way to share a bit of what worked and what didn't. My struggles and my triumphs. I hope you are able to take a little something away that helps you on your journey!
Okay-I am going to share my before/after photos now. A little daunting especially since I'm in "full flex" mode! While I am happy to see the physical results, I am much more grateful for the increased energy I experienced during the challenge. Yes, some days were hard but I was able to lean on my challenge group during those times as they were experiencing the same struggles.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

No-I'm not talking about the impending holiday rush that will soon descend on us with a vengeance. I'm talking about those first few crisp mornings, the first SEC (or ACC) football game tailgate and the first dash of cinnamon you add to any recipe. I have always been in LOVE with the Fall. To honor my favorite time of year, I decided to make these muffins last Saturday. All I have to say is that while the concept was good, the final product was not! But I will not give up! Next time I will add a tad more coconut flour and a bit more honey. As with anything, cooking is all TRIAL and ERROR so I will give these another go this Sunday! Happy eating!